This Saturday at approximately 9am, San Fernando Valley Japanese Language Institute will be conducting its annual Fire Drill to ensure emergency preparedness. Please ensure students arrive on time at 8:30 as usual. At 9am, the bell will ring for an unusually long duration, at which point students will need to follow their teachers' instructions to quickly exit the school and proceed to the designated assembly location at the south side of campus. Head counts will be taken before and after the evacuation. Retired Associate Captain Mike Takeshita will speak on and demonstrate the importance of this exercise. PTA and available on-site parents need to assist each classroom for safe evacuation and will meet with SFVJLI staff after the conclusion of the drill for a short debriefing. School photos may be taken at the completion of this Drill.
This is for us to get ready for actual Emergency or Fire Situation. When Emergency Bell rings with unusually long duration, Students need to follow teachers' instructions to meet at our safety meeting location at the southside of campus. Head counts need to be taken before and after the evacuation. Retired associate captain Mike Takeshita will speak or demonstrate about importance of this drill. School photos could be taken at the completion of this Drill. PTA and available parents need to assist each classroom for safe evacuation.